A great Nutritional On the Go Snack idea for Pregnant Women

As a pregnant woman, it is important to eat well. You need to make sure to get all the nutrients you and your developing baby need.

Too many women make excuses to overindulge when they are pregnant as they say they are eating for two. The baby does take all the goodness/ nutrients from you, which is why you often feel tired, if you haven’t eaten well. This is why eating well and finding healthy snacks is so important during pregnancy.

I felt very inspired to write this blog post. This week I am 20 weeks pregnant with my first bub! Half way!! And so far throughout my pregnancy, I have been trying to eat well and eat the right foods for me and my growing baby. However, anyone that has been through this will understand that there are just some foods, pregnant woman cannot look at, let alone stomach. So it is important to try and find alternatives and ensure you are getting enough of all the important food groups.


The bigger you get during pregnancy, the less room there is for the food to fit in your stomach. So eating large meals is just not possible anymore. Smaller meals, more often throughout the day, becomes more and more important. Having snacks on hand, will definitely help will help you with this. Fresh fruit and veg are always the best. But for days when you are on the run or have haven’t done the shopping yet, it is always handy to have something in your bag. I have recently discovered that our Slim Secrets Daily Fibre Power bar is in fact the perfect snack during pregnancy. They have so many key ingredients that are great for you and your growing baby. Plus they are Gluten free, Dairy free and Soy free.

Best Tips In Pregnant Days - Doctors Advice

High Fibre – women often suffer from constipation during pregnancy.

Constipation is common in pregnancy because the pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes and slows down the movement of food through your intestines. The recommended amount of fiber during pregnancy is 28 grams a day, which helps prevent  constipation and haemorrhoids. The Daily Fibre Power Bar contains 7.2g of dietary fibre per serving. So they should gently help keep things moving for you.

Source of Omega-3 – Foods rich in Omega- 3 are important during pregnancy.

Omega-3 fatty acids have recently been found to be very important during pregnancy in both the development of a healthy baby and in the health of the mother. “Omega-3s play such a pivotal role in foetal growth and development, and are particularly essential for brain and nervous system development”. Taking a fish oil supplement, as well as eating foods that are rich in omega-3s, is like an insurance policy that your baby is getting a good supply of these beneficial fats.” *

“The Heart Foundation recommends that pregnant women and breastfeeding womenconsume about 500 milligrams of omega-3 every day through a combination of fish, fish oil supplements and foods and drinks enriched with omega-3.” **

The Daily Fibre Power Bar contains 560mg of Omega-3 per serving so is a great source of Omega-3. And for me, stomaching fish has been impossible the past few months so this is a great snack and ensures I get my daily dose of Omega-3s.

A good source of Protein – pregnant woman should eat more protein.

A high protein diet during pregnancy is a must. It is essential for your baby’s brain growth. It aids in muscle growth and repair. And it provides you with the nutrients and antioxidants you need to keep your immune system healthy. The Daily Fibre Power Bar contains over 5g protein per 40g serve.

54% seeds and grain mix.

The Daily Fibre Power Bar includes ingredients such as Sesame seeds, Chia seeds (made up of 34% pure omega-3 oils), Pumpkin seeds, Goji berries, Psyllium husk and Inulin, just to name a few. Including seeds, grains and nuts in your diet provides you with heart healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats which are essential in managing inflammation and maintaining a normal structure of every cell of your body.
 Seeds and grains also contain vital minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorous to assist healthy bone development, immunity and the production of energy.

slider_fibre_powerHave you tried our Daily Fibre Power Bars?

We would love to hear from any of our followers who are pregnant or who have had children that have any good snacking tips during pregnancy.

Mel x



*Source One


**Source Two
